I have opted for Bills Included, what happens now?

Option 1 (Capped Allowance):

If you opted for this option, then you have a capped amount of energy that you can use (a very generous level). We have done all the hard work by organising everything for you and taking opening meter readings in readiness, you just need to ensure that you pay the utility supplier directly. They will set you up a personal account that you can access online or via an app and you can see your usage as you go. You will need to take meter readings every month or so and put them into the app to get an accurate review on your account.

At the end of your tenancy, the utility supplier will work out how much you have used vs how much you have paid and it is very likely (80%) that you will be due a refund. Your account is reviewed regularly by the Supplier and if you exceed the capped allowances at any point, you will get an email warning you that your usage is above the limits. You will then have the opportunity reduce your usage to prevent being charged for over-usage.

You will have given us permission to pass your details on to the Utility Supplier – they will contact you directly to set up your personalised account, book in an internet installation date and arrange the best method of payment for you. You will need to ensure that your standing order payments are amended so that you are not paying us your utility bill payments!

All you have to do is ensure payments are made to them and keep an eye on your usage! They may ask you for a meter reading every now and again but that’s it!

Option 2 (Unlimited Allowance): 

If you opted for this option, then you have an unlimited/uncapped amount of energy for your entire tenancy. We have done all the hard work by organising everything for you and taking opening meter readings in readiness, you just need to ensure that you pay the utility supplier directly. They will set you up a personal account that you can access online or via an app. You may need to provide an opening and closing meter reading, but that’s it!

You will have given us permission to pass your details on to the Utility Supplier – they will contact you directly to set up your personalised account, book in an internet installation date and arrange the best method of payment for you. You will need to ensure that your standing order payments are amended so that you are not paying us your utility bill payments!