
Condensation is probably the biggest cause of damp inside homes. This information should help you identify and reduce condensation as well as help treat the mould growth that is associated with it. There are four main types of dampness. Understanding the difference between them allows you to treat them effectively.

By far the most common cause of dampness experienced by tenants. Condensation is water vapour or moisture inside the home coming into contact with a colder surface like a window or wall. The resultant water drops (condensation) may then soak into the wallpaper or paintwork and over time, those damp areas attract black mould that grows on its surface. Condensation mainly occurs during winter when it’s cold – weather rainy or dry outside. Usually it’s found in the corners of rooms, north facing walls and on or near windows. It’s also found behind furniture (like wardrobes and beds) when they are pushed up against external walls and there is no air circulation.

Note – Black mould is frequently seen on this type of dampness.